
Arriving in Japan towards the end of the '90s, my intention was to leave after a year or two. It very quickly became apparent, however, that such a relatively short period of time wouldn’t be anywhere near long enough to get a real understanding of the place, so I decided to stay for a bit longer. Then slowly but surely I stopped kidding myself about any kind of real understanding, or indeed any real thoughts of leaving; I just stayed, lived and naturally began to class Tokyo as home. A city that’s as wonderfully diverse as the country it’s situated in, and an absolute delight when it comes to photography.

The clichés, needless to say, are all here: the busy crossing, the cosplayers, and the incredibly high-tech toilets. Yes, there are even robots. Well, a few anyway. But dig just a little below the surface, and it's a very different world indeed. A world I attempt to capture on a daily basis; the results of which have appeared in the likes of The Guardian, New Statesman, Spiegel Online, Japan Times, Daily Mail and The Economist, plus numerous other newspapers, websites, magazines and books.

If you have any questions, want to commission work, or have an interest in any of my photos, please get in touch via the contact form on this page. 

Many more images can be see on my photoblog, Tokyo Times.